No ‘I’ in ‘life’

When you're immobilised for a while, you have a lot of time to think. Recent events caused me to ponder the massive effort we put into finding meaning in this thing called life -- or imposing one on it, really. And what better way is there to provide some insight into, some context around, the …

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A look within

Bodies, eh? We've all got one, haven't we? It's one of those things all people have in common -- and which has all kinds of implications for how we interact with the world; indeed, implications for the universe and everything in it. But let's not go too far down the road of phenomenological theory, which …

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Rooing the day

OK so this one is fraught with rabbit-hole risk, so I'm going to have to keep it tight. That's because it's about very complicated cross-cultural interconnections and disconnections -- boring really, with not much to reveal about life the universe or anything. As I so often have to say, though, bear with me -- there …

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